March 1, 2023 By lybfg

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Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle #1. Cover by Jay Anacleto.

Nancy A. Collins writes novels, short stories, and comics. She is the developer of the popular vampire character, Sonja Blue, and has written comics including Swamp thing and Vampirella. Now, she teams with co-writer Luke Lieberman for Dynamite’s Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle. Westfield’s Roger Ash recently contacted Collins to learn much more about the series.

Westfield: What is the appeal of Red Sonja to you?

Nancy A. Collins: As I’ve said in other interviews, I’ve been reading the adventures of Red Sonja ever because she first made her debut in Conan The Barbarian, 40 + years ago. for years she was one of the very few female characters in comics who took no guff and could throw down with the big boys. I’m also a fan of Robert E. Howard’s fiction and I’ve retained a fondness for the character over the years.

Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle #1. Cover by Walter Geovani.

Westfield: Why did you decide to look at an older Sonja in Vulture’s Circle?

Collins: Actually, my co-author, Luke Lieberman—who actually owns the intellectual home rights to the character– came up with that angle. In fact, the basic plot and many of the main characters are his creations. I just expanded on what he proposed.

Westfield: What can you say about the story in Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle and who are the main characters involved?

Collins: The story revolves around Red Sonja coming out of retirement to battle the half-human child of the serpent-god Set. The main characters are Sonja, who is in her late 40s, early 50s, and has given up adventuring to run an academy schooling young girls in the art of war; Yusuf, the healer who saved her life on the operating table years ago; Sefkh, a renegade priest of Set, Sutekh, the demi-god spawn of Set; Lyla the Shemite, one of Sonja’s prize pupils and an expert archer; and Xoana, another of Sonja’s star pupils, who is also the bastard daughter of a king.

Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle #1. Cover by Lucio Parillo.

Westfield: how do you and co-writer Luke Lieberman work together? who does what?

Collins: There’s a lot of back-and-forth between us. Luke came up with the basic plot, then I expanded on it, with feedback from Luke. Then, each issue I write a full first draft script, which Luke then revises/adds to as he sees fit, then it comes back to me for final formatting.

Westfield: You’re working with artist Fritz Casas on the series. What can you say about his contribution to the series?

Collins: Fritz is doing fine work and it is apparent that he’s comfortable with the character, no matter what age she is.

Vampirella #100. Cover by Joe Jusko.

Westfield: You’re also continuing to write Vampirella, including a special story in Vampirella #100. Is there anything you’d like to share about what readers can look forward to there?

Collins: The fans have responded well to me introducing exotic vampires from different cultures from around the world in the regular monthly series, so in Vampirella #100 I chose to have Vampi tackling an distinct species of Filipino vampire known as a Tiyanak. She’s a busy gal.

Westfield: any closing comments?

Sunglasses After Dark: The Full-Blooded Collection

Collins: Besides the Red Sonja miniseries and the Vampirella monthly series, I also have a new hardcover graphic novel from IDW called sunglasses After Dark: The Full-Blooded Collection coming out in November. It’s a collection of the comics adaptation of my award-winning first novel, featuring my punk female vampire/vampire slayer Sonja Blue , re-colored by artist Stan Shaw. So if you like strong female characters—especially ones that happen to be vampires—check it out.


Red Sonja: Vulture’s Circle #1